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If you have an idea that you would like to bring to life, JNE Engineering can assist with the following services:

Conceptual Drawings

A concept drawing communicates graphically the details and the general look and feel of the design without all the engineering and development. The drawing is generated from conversations, sketches, and homemade prototypes. It's a cost saving step that prepares both engineering and the inventor for development.


Some inventors stop at the concept phase to get opinions from lawyers, marketers, family, and friends about the product idea. Once everyone is in agreement, the project continues into development. I like to provide a color 3D view and point out features and benefits that need to be part of the product. This is especially true for products that have assemblies or require electronics. The images below are examples of conceptual drawings.

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Product Development

Product Design and Development of your Idea begins now! This is a very exciting phase, because your idea is finally becoming a reality.


Product Development is the creation of products with new or different characteristics that offer new or additional benefits to the customer. Product development may involve modification of an existing product or its presentation, or formulation of an entirely new product that satisfies a newly defined customer want or market niche.


There are many factors that determine the time it takes to develop a product. Some ideas take eight hours to work from a sketch to a 3D CAD file that will be used for your prototype and tooling. These are the general stages of the product design and pdevelopment phase:





3D Model



Test & Review


3D Model

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Production Drawings

Production drawings (sometimes called working drawings) are complete sets of drawings that detail the manufacturing and assembly of products (as distinct from engineering drawings prepared by and/or for production engineers whose task it to decide how best to manufacture the products). The images below are examples of conceptual drawings.

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(954) 667-9568


3303 SW 11th Ave

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33351



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